Monday 3 June 2019

Horoscope Tarot Spread

Good morning or evening wherever you are in the world.  I've just finished performing a reading for someone who has been with me for years and have felt such a good energy whilst conducting it so I had to share which one it was.

It's the Horoscope Spread.  Now if you've never had this particular spread before you are definitely missing out on knowing more about yourself on a stars and horoscope level.  I am a professional reader for many years and have performed for people all over the world (even celebrities who wish to remain anonymous) but when combining the Tarot and horoscope spread I get really excited. 

The Horoscope Tarot Spread - a powerful link to your Zodiac Sign.

12 cards for each sign of the Zodiac covers the mind, body and spirit - in a 'general' sense.. but here is a brief outlay of what you can ask the cards for in terms of guidance for each 
Zodiac sign.  It provides a snapshot of your life at the moment to help reveal pathways and give your self esteem a massive boost - positive vibes!  

Here is the link and below is a brief explanation of what each card/ zodiac sign will reveal. 

Kind wishes and have a beautifully positive day!

Tilly xxx

Aries: Self 
(thoughts, feelings, represents way of approaching problem)
Taurus: Resources and Money
(financial situation, attitudes towards financial matters)
Gemini: Communications
(letters, phone calls, visits, travel for work, mental energy flow of ideas, news of outer events)
Cancer: Home
(feelings/thoughts on family, home, parents, people close to you)
Leo: Pleasure, Romance, Creativity
(love, pleasure, romance, creativity)
Virgo: Health and Work
(health matters (physical, mental, spiritual) and day-to-day work)
Libra: Partnerships
(attitudes on joint ventures, marriages, formal relationships)
Scorpio: Sex, Death, Money
(deaths, major changes, sexuality, inheritance)
Sagittarius: Far Horizons
(distant travel, philosophy on life, education, future hopes)
Capricorn: Career
(attitudes on career, goals, ambitions, job prospects)
Aquarius: Friends
(social groups, social life)
Pisces: What is Hidden
(hidden fears, unconscious wishes, limitations, blocks, secrets – repressed feelings)

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